The production area of Sangiovese di Romagna extends south of Via Emilia, along wide valleys located between the provinces of Ravenna and Forlì-Cesena, at a height ranging from 100 to 350 meters above sea level and with soils of sedimentary-clayey matrix.

Since vintage 2011, the land has been divided into 12 subzones in compliance with production specifications.


The subzone of Predappio is a historic Sangiovese winegrowing area. The growing of Sangiovese grapes is closely associated with the history of prominent wine-producing families, above all, the Zoli family, who contributed to the regional development of winegrowing by selecting specific ecotypes with elliptical clusters and introducing head-training and low-training systems.


The history of winegrowing in Predappio is closely tied to the characteristics of its soil and natural environment.

The soil is rich in clay which, the higher you go, by following the Rabbi stream, the more it becomes colored, light and full of minerals.

Predappio’s most interesting Crus are located near the hillcrests above the ravine line, at an altitude of over 250 meters above sea level in 4 areas: Predappio Alta, San Cristoforo, San Zeno and Rocca delle Caminate.


Noelia Ricci is a small CRU set on a hillcrest with South East exposure, at a height of 200 to 340 meters above sea level in San Cristoforo.

The soil is a combination of three different geologic matrixes: “spungone” (biocalcarenite) from Bertinoro, sandstone from Modigliana and sulphurous marl from Predappio.

Three components with a strong personality, a challenging soil, hard to tame.

Soils are clayey but light because of the presence of ochre-colored sands and very rich in sulphurous and calcareous minerals.


Predappio’s climate is basically continental, with variations as you climb up the hillcrest due to the temperature range and sea breeze blowing from the Adriatic Sea, which is about 50 kilometers away, and finds no obstacle to stop it.

The climate is salubrious and humidity is low because of drying winds sweeping in from the sea.


The winery is based on the model of classic and well-kept vineyard management, the fruit of age-old and deeply rooted experience.

Noelia Ricci’s vineyards represent a tribute to the local winegrowing tradition, as they are exclusively planted with the autochthonous Sangiovese and Trebbiano varieties.

The vineyards were planted in the late nineties. The vines are spurred Guyot-trained and surrounded by precious windbreaks providing protection from excessive heat and wind in summertime.


The winery is increasingly committed to environmental sustainability, with soil management based on cover cropping and the greatest attention paid to the plants’ wellbeing and harmonious integration with the environment.

Vineyard care and maintenance is performed by the winery’s staff members.

From the year 2021 all our wines are organic.





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